1. Plans
  2. Registration
  3. Confirmation
  4. Thank You
Monthly payment for hosting:  
Commission split:  
Maximum Number of Artworks:  
3D conversion fee:  
Augmented Reality Artworks  
Add/Manage Coupons for your marketing  
Affiliate commission on the entire Artmonad network when you are the buyer's referrer.  
Affiliate commission when you refer a new Artist who signup with us.  
up to 15 Artworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $1298 (1-time fee for 3D conversion), up to 15 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery.
Monthly payment for hosting:  
Commission split:  
Maximum Number of Artworks:  
3D conversion fee:  
Augmented Reality Artworks  
Add/Manage Coupons for your marketing  
Affiliate commission on the entire Artmonad network when you are the buyer\'s referrer.  
Affiliate commission when you refer a new Artist who signup with us.  
up to 15 Artworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $1298 (1-time fee for 3D conversion), up to 15 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery.
85% to the artist, 5% to the buyer's referrer, and 10% to Artmonad
45 Artworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $3,894 (1-time fee for 3D conversion) Up to 45 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery.
Monthly payment for hosting:  
Commission split:  
Maximum Number of Artworks:  
3D conversion fee:  
Augmented Reality Artworks  
Add/Manage Coupons for your marketing  
Affiliate commission on the entire Artmonad network when you are the buyer\'s referrer.  
Affiliate commission when you refer a new Artist who signup with us.  
45 Artworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $3,894 (1-time fee for 3D conversion) Up to 45 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery.
85% for the Artist
60 Artworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $5,192 (1-time fee for 3D conversion), up to 60 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery.
Monthly payment for hosting:  
Commission split:  
Maximum Number of Artworks:  
3D conversion fee:  
Augmented Reality Artworks  
Add/Manage Coupons for your marketing  
Affiliate commission on the entire Artmonad network when you are the buyer\'s referrer.  
Affiliate commission when you refer a new Artist who signup with us.  
60 Artworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $5,192 (1-time fee for 3D conversion), up to 60 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery.
85% for the Artist
100 Atworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $8,653 (1-time fee for 3D conversion), up to 100 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery. Above 100 Artworks, please contact us.
Monthly payment for hosting:  
Commission split:  
Maximum Number of Artworks:  
3D conversion fee:  
Augmented Reality Artworks  
Add/Manage Coupons for your marketing  
Affiliate commission on the entire Artmonad network when you are the buyer\'s referrer.  
Affiliate commission when you refer a new Artist who signup with us.  
100 Atworks
for each 1 Month(s)
+ $8,653 (1-time fee for 3D conversion), up to 100 Artworks within your 3D modeled 360° Virtual Gallery. Above 100 Artworks, please contact us.
85% for the Artist
100 Artworks (2D website)
One time payment
Create your 2D Art Gallery with up to 100 artworks for a flat fee of $120 per year.
Monthly payment for hosting:  
Commission split:  
Maximum Number of Artworks:  
3D conversion fee:  
Augmented Reality Artworks  
Add/Manage Coupons for your marketing  
Affiliate commission on the entire Artmonad network when you are the buyer\'s referrer.  
Affiliate commission when you refer a new Artist who signup with us.  
100 Artworks (2D website)
One time payment
Create your 2D Art Gallery with up to 100 artworks for a flat fee of $120 per year.
85% for the Artist (A different % apply for Galleries)
85% for the Artist (A different % apply for Galleries)